Sunday, June 22, 2008

You are not alone

I work with speakers and I have a confession to make.

Speakers are one of the few professionals that have as much support as they do. Do you think lawyers get together and tell each other how to better market their services? Do you think doctors coach each other on how to perform better? Do you think accountants tell each other where to look for new clients? I doubt it.

I have never seen another industry so eager to help each other out. Speakers have limitless resources. Some are free and some are not, but you can weigh and measure what works for you. There are newsletters, teleseminars, white papers, articles, ezines and association meetings. So much information and so little time!

I have just posted a resource page on my website with some of "my favorite things" most of which are free. If you speak for a living, go check it out.

If you still have questions, turn around and ask the speaker behind you. Chances are that he will be happy to help.

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