Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Partners in crime

One of my clients recently asked me if I can provide a blogging service? My answer?

Am I a blogging expert? Well, no. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But I am a networking expert and I understand what my limitations are. It took a little time to research, but I found a wonderful service that stands out in the field and has experience with speakers.

Meet the Blog Squad. I still haven't been able to read their entire website. It is so full of information that I just can't consume it all. They offer articles, newsletter and white papers. It's enough to bloggle the mind. The most interesting service that I have found so far is the Blog Directory Submission Service. For right at $100, you can have your blog listed in over 200 directories. What a cool idea!


Now the point that I am getting to is this: You can't be all things to all people. There are many talented and capable professionals available. Find one, create a partnership and offer the best service possible to your clients. They deserve the best and you deserve the business.

The next time a client calls with a request you know you can't fill, take a breath. If you don't have the resources, ask for the time to do the research. Remember, you want to provide the best service possible. Your client can't fault you for trying to fulfill their request. Now, time to network.

You have several options.

Let's start with Speaker Net News. It is a newsletter service that is provided at no charge and has a circulation of close to 8,000. They will let you post a question so that the entire readership can post an answer. Chances are, you will get some great responses. Your target audience is reading your question and eager to find new opportunities to network.

LinkedIn is another option. Once you are a member, you can submit a question to your contacts. You can ask that they submit it to their contacts and so on. You should get several responses and probably a few leads.

Your blog is a source. If you are connected to over 200 directories, think about the tremendous potential if you pose a query for a speaking or a consulting partner. If you have a a blog makeover by Denise and Patsi, your blog should be a force to be reckoned with.

National Speakers Association (NSA) has chapters all over the country. Go to a local meeting or send an email to the President of the chapter. Ask for a referral. Chances are the president has been doing this long enough to know a few people. NSA is always willing to lend a hand.

After you have worked your network, you should have a few options. If you are still feeling lost or just want to talk about your options call me. You never know, I might be good for a referral.

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