Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Three is a Magic Number

"Action is the foundational key to all success. " - Pablo Picasso

The social media question I hear the most is, "How do I grow my network? How do I get more friends, likes and connections?"

The answer is simple. Three is a magic number.

You must focus on a single platform at a time. So pick the one that works the best for you and start there. The process is the same for any of the platforms.

  1. You want to reach out to 3 people you don't know or want to know better every day.
  2. Spend 30 minutes on the site looking around. You want to post a question, comment, or discussion 3 days a week.
  3. Repeat the process for 3 weeks.

You can increase the amount of time you spend growing your network if you like, but 3 is the foundation. If you apply this process, you will see growth.

The process is the same for each platform but the details vary a little. If you want to grow your Twitter followers, you will retweet 3 other posts. On Facebook, you should comment on 3 posts of new connections. Discussions are the most powerful tool on Linked In. You will start or comment on (you guessed it) 3 discussions. If you want to add readers, comment on 3 blogs that compliment your area of expertise.

Social media is a powerful tool to grow your business. Connections equal dollars. However, you can waste a tremendous amount of time on social networking sites without any benefit. By having a plan of action, you reduce the amount of time you waste and increase growth. After all, 3 is a magic number.

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