"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. " - Bill Cosby
I am certain that you are a capable speaker and an outstanding business person. You probably have a tremendous amount of experience and know exactly which direction you want to take to get to the next level.
Or maybe not.
If you aren't feeling well - you visit the doctor.
If you need legal advice - you go see an attorney.
If you have to file your taxes - you call your accountant.
You would never perform surgery on yourself, write your own will or file your own taxes. It is possible that you are an expert in one of these fields, but even then, you would probably have a colleague look it over or weigh in with their own professional opinion.
We would never consider trying to cross the line and perform expert services on or for ourselves. Why then, as a business professional, do we insist on creating our own business cards? Why would you try to get more speaking engagements by picking up a phone and cold calling out of a phone book? You are surely a technological genius, but do you really want to spend your time creating your own website?
You can be an expert in the field of engineering or a brain surgeon and have no idea how to market yourself or your company to the right audience with the best materials at the correct time. Leave it to the professionals that know how. That is what we are here for. We want to help you accomplish your goals without creating extra stress for yourself and others.
While nothing in this life is certain, if you give us the right tools and a little time, we can give you a big push in the right direction. Now go back to NASA and finish working with the other rocket scientists. Leave all the details to us.
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